Ep #34 – Giant Aussie Moths, Ranch on Pizza & Do You Know Yourself?
- Shoutout to our Patrons! You guys are amazing!
- Shoutout to our @wordsinjames
Nightly News
- Rare Giant Wood Moth Spotted At School In Australia
- Artist Adds ‘Star Wars’ To Discarded Paintings He Finds in Thrift Stores
- Jersey Shore restaurant uses robot helper
Quick Questions
- Why don’t some men wash their hands after going to the bathroom? @Pastelitos_purr
- What are your top daily affirmations when pumping yourself up? @Syntaxerror1
- Fan art? Do you love it or do you feel like the artist cheated? @tangentandtentacles
- Does ranch belong on pizza? @mommysaurus_rex1
- What is the first place to start healing yourself? @sarah.montion
- Regular chips ahoy cookie or chewy? @irish_runner422
Deeper Dive
Conversation about if someone can know you better than you know yourself!