Episode 25 - Graceful Grizzly Podcast

Ep #25 – Starfish Ravioli, Internet or Coffee? & Never Brand Yourself!

Dec 25, 2020 | Episodes


Happy Holidays! This week, the Graceful Grizzly Podcast is back, and we’re hitting some sweet scientific topics, some stellar questions, and an epic interview with our friend, Mark Gettis. Mark is a Co-owner and Lead Brand Designer for The Finding Co. (www.thefindingco.com) – Don’t miss it, friends!

Nightly News

  • Let’s Dive Into the Story of the ‘Ravioli Starfish’ That Looks Like a Stuffed-Pasta Shaped Wonder of the Sea
  • Chinese father hires virtual hitman to ‘kill’ son in online games – so he will get a job
  • Mysterious radio signal detected from exoplanet in deep space: Could give new ‘way to examine alien worlds’

Quick Questions

  • What’s one positive thing that came out of 2020? by @mommysaurus_rex1
  • Would you rather live without the internet or coffee? by @chitokan
  • If you were to make a RomCom who would you pick to play the lead roles? by @hustle.energy
  • How long do you think you’d last in a zombie apocalypse? @pineapplepizza_rock

Deeper Dive

Conversation about business, careers, and all things creative, with Mark Gettis, Co-Owner of The Finding Co. (www.thefindingco.com)

  • https://time.com/5624416/ravioli-starfish/
  • https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2258877/Chinese-father-hires-virtual-hitman-kill-son-online-games–job.html
  • https://www.foxnews.com/science/mysterious-radio-signal-detected-exoplanet-alien-worlds

Intro Music Credit

Intro Music, “Little Ashes” by Atlas Arrows, Remixed by Pat Linehan - Free Download