Ep #2 – The Spirit of Mark Wahlberg, Creed & Cool Ranch Doritos
On this episode of the Graceful Grizzly Podcast, the boys talk about some inspiring stories from the good ol’ internet, describe their spirit animals (you may be surprised at their answers), and launch into a riveting discussion on nostalgia: the good and the bad. Join the Grizzly Family! 🐻
Nightly News
- After 99-Year-old Expresses Wish to Meet a Penguin, Her Entire Nursing Home is Delighted By a Surprise Visit
- Jungle Cruise trailer – It’s the backside of water!
- Meet The Man Traveling To All 50 States To Mow Lawns For Those In Need
Quick Questions
- What is your spirit animal?
- What is the best compliment you have ever received?
- Describe a time you had a positive experience with a culture / ethnicity other than your own
- If you could have one snack food / drink as much as you want without any health risks, what would it be?
- Righteous Reviews: What’s your most influential album / artist?
Deeper Dive
Do you believe that the present is really better than your past?